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Disposing of glass, spray cans, and rechargeable batteries

ページID:0001185 更新日:2023年12月18日更新 印刷ページ表示

Please follow the rules when disposing of the following items.

Glass and pottery

Wrap in paper (such as newspaper), place in a city-approved garbage bag*, and write キケン ("caution") on the bag before putting out on non-burnable garbage collection day.

*City-approved garbage collection bags

  • Bag must be clear or transparent white with no patterns or writing on it
  • Size must be between 20 and 45 liters
  • Plastic, with or without handles
  • Up to 3 bags maximum per household may be put out for collection at one time

Spray cans

Make sure the can is empty before disposing of it by placing it in the yellow collection net on non-burnable garbage collection day.

Rechargeable batteries and button batteries (such as those used in watches, etc.)

These cannot be collected at Takasaki City-run garbage collection points. Please take to an electrical appliance store that recycles them.

More information about garbage disposal

Takasaki City Garbage Disposal Guidelines(PDF形式 582KB)

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